
Razvojni center Srca Slovenije, d. o. o.

Development centre of the Heart of Slovenia

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"Digital Generations" activities of first project result successfully completed

July 22, 2022 - Intensive work during the winter and spring months on the "Digital Generations" project led to the successful completion of the first project result activities. The second on-line transnational meeting of partners was also implemented, where we presented the results of the work achieved and agreed on the concrete tasks and challenges yet to come.

The purpose of the "Digital Generations" project, whose leading partner is Development Centre of the Heart of Slovenia, is to provide seniors with digital skills that will enable them to be creative on-line and to communicate with their freinds and family. The goal of the project is to empower seniors in the use of digital tools through an intergenerational experience between seniors and young, who are the key bearers of digital skills. The main goal is to improve the quality life of seniors.

The aim of the first work package was to analyse the impact of social isolation in the elder population, to identify their creative needs and to measure their level of knowledge of digital skills. We also identified examples of good practices for promoting creativity through digital tools.

In order to achieve these goals, two different questionnaires were prepared. The questionnaire on the impact of social isolation among seniors was aimed at all organizations and their employees or volunteers working in the field of long-term care for the elderly (conducted among 105 individuals from five partner countries). The second questionnaire, aimed at measuring the level of digital skills and analyzing the communication and creative needs of seniros, was intended for everyone over the age of 62 (conducted with 135 seniors from five partner countries).

Through the analysis of the questionnaires, we obtained valuable information that will be extremely useful for our further work. The innovation of this analysis lies in the fact that it not only analyzes the needs of seniors, but also presents a tool that will allow measuring their level of digital skills. In this way, we obtained a sustainable tool for educators and social workers.

The results of the research will be used as inspiration for the implementation of training activities for seniors, in the majority of ICT, to better understand the needs of this vulnerable target group and to raise awareness of the mental health problems resulting from the isolation of the elder population.

Intensive work continues, as we have already started the implementation of the second project result, which will define set of tools and skills to be used for being creative on-line. We believe that we will already be able to present the first results in the fall.

Second on-line transnational meeting of partners.


Produkcija: Peternet