WIDER - Green MSP: Innovation and Development in Energy Sector
Project duration: 1. 1. 2013 - 30. 6. 2015
Programme: MED
Lead partner: SVIM, Ancona, Italy
Partner countries: Italy, France, Spain, Greece, Portugal, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina
The Slovenian as well as the general European population is getting older, which means that the number of people over 65 is increasing. The projections show that more than 30 percent of the Slovenes will be older than 65 in 2060, which brings about big social changes. The ageing trend presents numerous changes and challenges, for which adequate solutions need to be found as soon as possible.
The WIDER project deals with these issues as it aims to enhance the exchange of knowledge and innovations and improve the position of new products for small and medium-sized companies following the whole delivery chain of eco smart apartments for independent living of the elderly in seven regional industrial Mediterranean fields.
The project supports the implementation of pilot projects of selected small-sized local companies in partner regions. Thus the companies get the chance to enhance the value of their products and to position themselves more easily on new markets. The focus of this project is energy efficiency and approach adapted to end users. The Wider project is also intended for sectoral networking in individual region partners.