
Razvojni center Srca Slovenije, d. o. o.

Development centre of the Heart of Slovenia

Kidričeva cesta 1, 1270 Litija, Slovenia

T: +386 1 89 62 710, E:

Welcome to "The heart of Slovenia"!

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Project duration / Year of implementation: 1. 1. 2012 - 31. 12. 2014
Lead partner: Regional Development Agency of Southeast Region, Romania
Partner countries: Malta, Germany, Italy, Ireland, France, Lithuania, Romania

The goals of the project were to do regional reports on indicators and management of innovativeness, to create methodology for measuring local innovativeness, to create implementation plans for the field of innovativeness at the partner region level and to establish regional group of stakeholders, which will play a central role in implementing the aforementioned activities.

Project IN-EUR represented an opportunity for further development of the trademark The Heart of Slovenia and developing ways to measure innovativeness in the local community of Litija. At the same time it served as an addition to local and regional policies in the field of innovativeness fostering.

Project website:
In-Eur Final Publication

This project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and made possible by the INTERREG IVC programme.

Produkcija: Peternet