
Razvojni center Srca Slovenije, d. o. o.

Development centre of the Heart of Slovenia

Kidričeva cesta 1, 1270 Litija, Slovenia

T: +386 1 89 62 710, E:

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FaRInn – Promoting responsible innovation in the countries of South East Europe

Project duration / Year of implementation: 1. 10. 2012 - 30. 9. 2014
Programme: SEE – South East Europe
Lead partner: Innovation and Economic Development Centre, Forli', Italy
Partner countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Romania

The role of the Development Centre of the Heart of Slovenia in this project was to manage communication for the entire partnership (activities include communications strategy, designing a website, organising promotional events, preparing publications and other materials).

The project’s purpose was to design a model which would promote responsible innovation by employing the principles of sustainability, social responsibility and a better quality of life. The following principles were included in the project: responsibility, transparency, low environmental, health and safety impact, suitability of work conditions, investments in research and development, lifelong learning, risk management and intergenerational fairness.

The innovation model includes mechanisms which:
  • support the formation of innovative local communities (by using existing resources in an environmentally friendly way, promotion of innovativeness, employment and improvement of quality of life);
  • protect natural and cultural environment;
  • implement business networking and clusters;
  • integrate support environment for the companies; and
  • develop operation plans for responsible innovation.
FaRInn brochure
Newsletter I

Newsletter II

Project website:

Produkcija: Peternet