
Razvojni center Srca Slovenije, d. o. o.

Development centre of the Heart of Slovenia

Kidričeva cesta 1, 1270 Litija, Slovenia

T: +386 1 89 62 710, E:

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Entrepreneurship in the Heart

Project duration: 1. 12. 2012 - 1. 6. 2013
Programme: LAG The Heart of Slovenia
Partners: Litija Youth Centre, Kamnik Youth Incubator Institute, Development Centre of the Heart of Slovenia

The current situation in the entrepreneurial field is very unstimulating, especially among the young as they do not trust their knowledge and abilities, lack concrete entrepreneurial experiences and fear failure, which additionally slows the development of innovative ideas. They have become passive and resigned themselves to the present situation.

The project attemped to alleviate these challenges through the implementation of the programme which consisted of workshops, seminars, entrepreneurial round-table discussions and public presentations of entrepreneurial ideas.

Workshop participants developed their own entrepreneurial ideas for products or services and acquired knowledge and competences, such as market research, designing different trademarks, identifying target groups, preparing sales packages, promotion, marketing, public presentation, business communication, business etiquette, etc.

Produkcija: Peternet