E-turist: Digital tourism guide for mobile phones
Duration: 1. 10. 2012 - 31. 8. 2013
Programme: Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport
Leading partner: Faculty of Tourism Studies – Turistica
Partners: Jožef Stefan Institute, Municipality of Litija
In cooperation with the Development Centre of the Heart of Slovenia and the Faculty of Tourism Studies – Turistica, the Municipality of Litija developed an application for mobile phones, which offers the same experience as a qualified tourist guide. With this we strived to offer a unified access to tourism information in the area of the Heart of Slovenia and in the area of the Slovenian Istria.
How the mobile application functions
The tourists enters their interests (culture, nature, sport, cuisine, etc.) in the application, time availability as well as their needs and wishes. According to these data, the application prepares tours adjusted to the tourists' requirements. Then the application guides the tourists with the help of the GPS and provide a detailed description when visiting different sights. Sights descriptions are written and spoken in several languages, pictures are added as well.