
Razvojni center Srca Slovenije, d. o. o.

Development centre of the Heart of Slovenia

Kidričeva cesta 1, 1270 Litija, Slovenia

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LAGs4EU - Local Action Groups for better EU Communities

Project duration: 1. 1. 2013 - 30. 6. 2015
Programme: Europe for Citizens
Lead partner: Local action group Central Istria, Croatia
Partner countries: Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia in Herzegovina, Italy, Romania, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia

The aim of the project was to enhance the citizens' participation in the development and implementation of the activities organized by local action groups in the European Union. The specific objectives of the project were to enhance the knowledge and skills of representatives of local decision-makers and the LAG in the implementation of development actions and strengthen the exchange of knowledge between LAGs in the area of stakeholder engagement and the promotion of volunteering in local development.

Produkcija: Peternet