D-STIR – Danube Framework for Responsible Research and Innovation using Socio-Technical Integration
Project duration: 1. 1. 2017 – 30. 6. 2019
Programme: Interreg Danube Transnational Programme
Lead partner: South-East Regional Development Agency (Romania)
Partner countries: Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Chech Republic, Romania, Germany, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina
D-STIR's objective is to improve Danube framework conditions for innovation, by integrating Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) in the whole innovation pipeline.
Responsible research and innovations ensures that Research and Innovation is carried out in a socially, environmentally and ethically manner. Transnational cooperation among complementary partners makes D-STIR possible. They work with Transnational Stakeholder Groups, gathering target groups from policy, academia, business (including SMEs) and civil society across the macro-region.
The final output, Danube RRI Strategy, includes recommendations and concrete tools, particularly an adaptation of the STIR (Socio-Technical Integration Research) Method. The Heart of Slovenia is a pilot area that will test STIR Method in at least five innovative SMEs. The Method will adapt to our area according to the results of the testing. RRI is result focused: encouraging innovation that brings responsible products to the markets swiftly and managing risks.
Project webpage: www.interreg-danube.eu/approved-projects/d-stir