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Rise of added value of The Museum of pre-modern art

Developer: KUD Museum of pre-modern art Litija

About the project:

The Museum of pre-modern art in Zgornji Hotič is a unique contemporary art destination in »The Heart of Slovenia«. Project activities, which included purchase of equipment for improving work conditions in the museum, enabled to the museum to gain in added value which contemporary »pre-modern« art and museum merit. The Museum of pre-modern art stays within the art practice a present place, attracting, by improving exhibition conditions,
outstanding Slovene and European artists into »The Heart of Slovenia«. At the same time it connects, by networking activities of various target groups, the art with other spheres of creation and work (education, project management, tourism, heritage, development of countryside).

The period of the project duration: January – December 2009

Total value of project: 10.000,00 EUR
Funds LEADER: 3.846,13 EUR
Funds LAS: 5.554,65 EUR

Contact person: Tomaž Dernovšek

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Produkcija: Peternet