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Development Village Velika Preska

Holder: External Arrangement Centre

Project contents: By connecting different experts, the project "Development Village Velika Preska" planned to motivate, animate and inform the villagers of Velika Preska as well as the broader area about the opportunities of development and the use of wood for housing purposes. In 2009, an outline plan was made to build a settlement of passive houses for experimental housing, which was realised in cooperation with the project LAG The Heart of Slovenia. The project which built seven passive houses represented a big change for the village; therefore a lot of animation and motivation of the villagers was needed to reach the goal. Through the implementation of workshops, the publication of a book entitled “In the Mission of Trees” and the establishment of a permanent exhibition of 71 Slovenian tree species, they sought and motivated entrepreneurial leaders and set up a network of project partners for the realisation of a broader idea of the development village Velika Preska.

Project duration:
September 2011 - June 2012

Total value of the project: 23.580,00 EUR
LEADER resources: 18.105,00 EUR
Private resources of the rightful claimant: 5.475,00 EUR

Contact person: Jože Kos

Produkcija: Peternet