Improving AS Sports and Recreational Centre of Litija with the Purpose of Including Special Target Groups
Holder: AS Litija Tennis Club
Project contents: The project approached differently to special target groups which opt for recreational programmes – the novelty in the area LAG The Heart of Slovenia is recreation for the disabled. In the first phase, a terrain for the new children’s playground was prepared and access for the disabled was arranged, in the second phase children’s playground with its surroundings was arranged and a double swing was set up, along with sandbox and a house with a table and benches. During the project, five new sports and recreational programmes were created. In addition to the promotion in the local media, AS Tennis Club organised a doors open day and a lecture on sports lifestyle and healthy eating.
Partner: AS TEPROM d. o. o., Sports Club Activity, Litija
Project duration: September 2012–August 2013
Total project value: 62,431.20 EUR (VAT included)
LEADER funds: 30,000.22 EUR
Contact person: Andrej Poglajen