Entrepreneurship in the Heart
Holder: Public Institute of Culture, Youth and Sport of Litija
Project contents: The project entitled “Entrepreneurship in the Heart” was intended for a broad target audience interested pursuing an autonomous entrepreneurial path. First candidates were chosen and divided into two groups in Litija and Kamnik, then they were given a series of lectures and education courses for the acquisition of theoretical knowledge in order to be able to set up and successfully manage a company. With the help of mentors, expert associates and lecturers, the participants developed their own entrepreneurial ideas. 6 public round table discussions with guests were organised, where 6 entrepreneurial ideas evolved. Out of 15 individuals who successfully finished the training, 4 decided to pursue an autonomous entrepreneurial path. The project was promoted through a brochure and Facebook profile.
Partner: Kotlovnica Youth Centre, Kamnik
Project duration: September 2012–August 2013
Total project duration: 30,005.00 EUR (VAT included)
LEADER funds: 22,753.65 EUR
Contact person: Kristjan Adamlje