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Supplying the Movable Stand with Local Food at Marketplaces

Holder: Jarina, Cooperative for Rural Development

Project contents: With the help of the activities that Jarina had implemented so far, local self-sufficiency in the Heart of Slovenia has been increasing. With the help of the LAG project, the existing sales of local crops and products will be enhanced by adding an additional marketing channel, i.e. selling at movable marketplaces. In order to carry this out, Jarina will purchase a vehicle with a cooling storage for the distribution and the equipment needed for selling (a cash-register, scale and a suitable operating and programme equipment). The products will be sold twice a week on two locations in the Heart of Slovenia. The Jarina Cooperative will inform the public on project activities by publishing articles in different media.

Project duration: October 2012 – September 2013

Total project value:
37,977.55 EUR
LEADER funds: 28,680.10 EUR

Contact person:
Nataša Smrekar

Produkcija: Peternet