Waymarks into "The Heart of Slovenia" - countryside of "The Heart of Slovenia" introduces itself
Developer: Centre for development Litija d. o. o.
About the project:
The area of »The Heart of Slovenia« doesn't have a long tradition of connecting, therefore the feeling of commitment to the area is in development. Centre for Development Litija tried by the project Waymarks into »The Heart of Slovenia« to initiate in numerous ways the feeling of common identity among countryside population. First the existing countryside offer was examined and then presented in the catalogue All that attracts you to »The Heart of
Slovenia«. A common calendar of events The Pulse of performances in »The Heart of Slovenia« 2009 was published. Promotion DVD film with the complete presentation of »The Heart of Slovenia« was elaborated for the needs of presenting the area in the events. Special attention by project executors was paid to training of local coordinators (individuals who represent and connect individual target groups in the countryside) for the representation of the brand of »The Heart of Slovenia« on local and other performances. The Centre for Development Litija hosted various groups (also from abroad) not just presenting them the area but also sharing interesting development experiences with guests.
The period of the duration of the project: August 2008 – November 2009
Total value of project: 25.300,00 EUR
Funds LEADER: 21.870,04 EUR
Contact person: Saša Ceglar