Draft study of settlement of passive houses for trial stay in Velika Preska
Developer: Centre for external arrangement d. o. o.
About the project:
The project of Draft study of settlement of passive houses for trial stay in Velika Preska is a part of larger development story »Velika Preska – development village« joining residents, their potentials and natural gifts of the village Velika Preska in searching for innovative solutions for improving common living environment and development possibilities. By means of LAS »The Heart of Slovenia« the Centre for external arrangenent prepared draft studies to build the settlement of passive houses for trial stay. Draft study of a sample energy efficient wood passive house was executed and the strategy was prepared for networking of experts from the field of project design and execution, as well as the documentation for erecting business premises for running the project. Connections with various professional institutions dealing with passive construction, were also established. All these mentioned studies have several times been presented publicly and will stay as the basis for further work focused on construction of passive houses settlement.
Period of project duration: August 2008 – May 2009
Total value of project: 31.200,00 EUR
Funds LEADER: 7.280,00 EUR
Funds LAS: 10.920,00 EUR
Contact person: Jože Kos