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Elaboration of the leaflet of Chestnut paths

Developer: Tourist development society Kampelc

About the project: 
The country below Kampel hill situated in the area of Velika Štanga, Jevnica and Štangarske Poljane is interwoven by various thematic paths developed by the Tourist development society Kampelc which also promotes them in different ways. Via the project Elaboration of the leaflet of Chestnut paths there was designed and made a leaflet for Chestnut paths in the countryside below the Kampel hill by means of which the society Kampelc succeeded to upgrade the existing offer of thematic paths focussed on the use of the rich natural and culture heritage.

The period of the project duration: August 2008 – September 2008

Total value of project: 6.500,00 EUR
Funds LEADER: 5.167,00 EUR

Contact person: Slavko Rokavec

Produkcija: Peternet