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Permanent exhibition of the Sava gravel stones - integral image

Developer: Society for the development of countryside Laz

About the project:
In March 2008 the Society for the development of the countryside LAZ in co-operation with the Museum of natural sciences of Slovenia opened a unique permanent exhibition of the Sava gravel stones. It was set in the firestation house in the village Breg near Litija and represents a unique way of interpretation of the nature and culture heritage. The place where this collection is located was equipped to receive larger groups of visitors. In order to demonstrate the composition of stones they cut the best examples of stones and made exhibition panels with descriptions. They set marking and directing panels for the collection, they made handouts, postcards and leaflets about the collection. The exhibition place also disposes with audio and video equipment and they have also recorded a short  presentation-interpretation film about the collection. The authors of the collection prepared topics for geologic path by means of which the Society will enrich the offer of the Jablaniška valley.

The period of the project duration: August 2008 – February 2009

Total value of project: 15.228,90 EUR
Funds LEADER: 12.359,77 EUR
Funds LAS: 1.646,05 EUR

Contact person: Jelka Babič

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Produkcija: Peternet