Cycling point of "The Heart of Slovenia"
Developer: LB&T Vegov hram d. o. o.
About the project:
With the project Cycling point of »The Heart of Slovenia« the company LB&T Vegov hram d. o. o. initiated the development of a new tourist activity in the area of »The Heart of Slovenia« - that is tourist cycling. The project comprises execution of all activities needed for assuring conditions that the area of »The Heart of Slovenia« can be marketted as cycling destination. On the location of gostilna Vegov hram in Dolsko was set the starting point for
tourists who come to the area of »The Heart of Slovenia«. On this point they are offered activity of tourist cycling and all the necessary equipment with information about cycling possibilities and similar offer in »The Heart of Slovenia«. The company prepared a suitable place for storing and lending bikes and purchased new cycling equipment and bikes. The owner at the same time educated himself for the cycling guide and gostilna did all the necessary to meet the criteria of a cycling accommodation facility.
The period of the project duration: March – August 2009
Total value of project: 5.987,25 EUR
Funds LEADER: 2.200,15 EUR
Funds LAS: 1.650,13 EUR
Contact person: Tine Zupančič
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