Dress image of "The Land of Jurij Vega"
Developer: Turistično društvo Dolsko (Tourist society Dolsko)
About the project:
»The Land of Jurij Vega« is a brand in development linking different tourist and other actively involved in the commune of Dol pri Ljubljani. It tends to link larger area up to Moravče. The brand builds on the personality of the world reputation - Jurij Vega. Under the name »The Land of Jurij Vega« individual performances, thematic ways, interest groups etc. have successfully been promoted. The question what to wear on performances has repeatedly occured.
therefore the Tourist society Dolsko decided to carefully research the dress image of »The land of Jurij Vega« and prepare the drafts for some typical costumes from this area. Department of ethnology and culture anthropology of the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana actively included into research with professors and students. At the end of the project the results were presented to larger public on well visited exhibition in culture institution of Dolsko.
The period of the project duration: January – December 2009
Total value of project: 6.864,00 EUR
Funds LEADER: 5.870,00 EUR
Contact person: Željko Savič