Application of culinary heritage in building identity of The Jurij Vega Land
Developer: Turistično društvo Dolsko (Tourist society Dolsko)
About the project:
Interest for exchange of skills via workshops from the field of culinary heritage, executed by The Working group of women Plamen Dolsko in the frame of the Tourist society Dolsko, is very big. In spite of a few years of activity, the working group counts many female members of all generations who like to socialise and exchange experiences from generation to generation. The members presented themselves at the beginning mainly in the local environment of »The Land of Jurij Vega«, after enabling the conditions for their activity they often represent also the area of »The Heart of Slovenia«. They managed to get place in the cultural institution of Dolsko which they suitably furnished by the project supported by LAS »The Heart of Slovenia«. Within the frame of the project they bought furniture for the lecture room and kitchen elements with belonging household appliances. The project enabled two more meetings for the exchange of knowledges from the culinary heritage field; they also published a brochure on culinary heritage of the area with its presentation on the final project event.
The period of the project duration: January – December 2009
Total value of project: 21.101,20 EUR
Funds LEADER: 12.484,21 EUR
Funds LAS: 4.700,92 EUR
Contact person: Željko Savič
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