Tradition of folk singing
Developer: KUD Folklore group Javorje – Tamboura orchestra
About the project:
Various societies surely contribute a lot to preserve the culture heritage in »The Heart of Slovenia«. The Folklore group Javorje having almost a 30-year tradition, pays attention in its activity to maintaining Slovene folk dances and songs, as well as also instrumental music and rituals. Within the folklore group there is tamboura orchestra which ranks among the best in Slovenia. It regularly takes part in domestic and international festivals and events. By the project of tradition of folk song the orchestra arranged some specific folk songs from different area of Slovenia
and included them in its repertoire; they have also prepared the event »Sing, dance, play« with international participation in ©martno pri Litiji.
The period of the project duration: January 2009 – September 2009
Total value of project: 6.750,00 EUR
Funds LEADER: 6.000,00 EUR
Contact person: Minka Sav¹ek
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