Offer completion of Sport recreation centre Korant
Developer: Turistično društvo (Tourist society) Dol pri Ljubljani
About the project:
Sport recreation centre Korant managed by Tourist society Dol pri Ljubljani is located in the green environment of forests above Dol pri Ljubljani. Its grounds and sport facilities initiate recreation activities among local people. In the process of development of culinary offer a central part was built which Tourist society Dol pri Ljubljani by the project »Offer completion of sport recreation centre Korant« finalised for operation. Beside the equipment for protecting
also a project for final arrangement of places was elaborated and the missing equipment for the kitchen was purchased. The project will enable more efficient managing with tourist recreation facilities and rise the life quality in the countryside of »The Heart of Slovenia«.
The period of the project duration: January 2010 – October 2010
Total value of project: 11.612,57 EUR
Funds LEADER: 3.870,00 EUR
Funds LAS: 2.904, 00 EUR
Contact person: Jurij Kuhar