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Waste on Waste - For the Cleaner Sava River

Developer: Club of Students from Litija and ©martno

About the project:
The project Waste on waste connects the young people from the area of the Heart of Slovenia who joined up for the purpose of mutual networking, acquisition of experiences in the field of project management and because of their mutual wish to do something good for the environment in which they live. By the project Waste on Waste they successfully addressed ecological issues of the Sava River and rose awareness about its impact on the balance in the natural environment. They achieved this by two cleaning actions in the Sava River and educational workshops for the youth and elderly with the theme of responsable treatment of the environment. They prepared photography competition with the topic of the Sava River, which showed the Sava River in its beauty as well as in its pollution. They presented photographies at the exhibition and issued a leaflet in which they presented the issue of polluting the rivers.

The period of the project duration: January 2010 – December 2010

Total value of project: 3.519,07 EUR
Funds LEADER: 3.069,83 EUR

Contact person: Tina Trdin
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Produkcija: Peternet