A song connects us
Holder: Society of the missionary dr. Janez Janež
Project contents:
The Society of the missionary dr. Janez Janež proved that a song can connect people in "The Heart of Slovenia" with the project "Song Connects Us". In December 2010 they carried out a performance with the same title in which they connected more than ten choirs of different interest groups and generations from the area LAG "The Heart of Slovenia". Selected songs and texts contributed to the preserving of spiritual culture heritage of the broader area.
Choirs active within the area had not been connected before, therefore that the first example of cooperation and socialising. They also bought some more costumes for the members of the domestic Choir of St. Helen, which actively cooperates in the society.
Project duration: January 2010 – January 2011
Total value of project: 3,500.00 EUR
LEADER funds: 3,229.00 EUR
Contact person: Franci Košir