
Razvojni center Srca Slovenije, d. o. o.

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Srce Slovenije kot primer dobre prakse v knjigi Integralna zelena Slovenija

23. december 2015 - Srce Slovenije se že več let povezuje s slovensko državljansko pobudo Integralna zelena Slovenija, ki je namenjena polnovrednemu življenju v mednarodno ugledni skupnosti Slovenije. Iz skupne vizije, ki je bila zapisana v letu 2013, je nastala knjiga INTEGRAL GREEN SLOVENIA, ki jo lahko do 20. januarja 2016 naročite za samo petino cene.

Knjiga INTEGRAL GREEN SLOVENIA je napisana z veliko ljubezni do Slovenije, naše kulturne in naravne dediščine, s spoštovanjem do naših skupnih vrednot ter z odprtostjo za sodelovanje in povezovanje. Knjiga opisuje potenciale, kako postati zgled trajnostne družbe in zelene ekonomije. Številni avtorji so odlične prakse iz Slovenije in konceptualne prispevke v sodelovanju z avtorjema integralne teorije Ronniejem Lessemom in Alexandrom Schiefferjem povezali v nov, slovenski in evropski model integralnega zelenega gospodarstva in družbe.

Knjiga bo izšla spomladi 2016, prednaročila so možna do 20. januarja.

Več informacij: Integralna zelena Slovenija
Naročila: darja.piciga@gmail.com

Priporočili predsednika Medvladnega panela o podnebnih spremembah (IPCC) dr. Hoesunga Leeja in dr. Zorana Stančiča, ki je od 1. januarja 2016 prvi glas Evropske komisije v Sloveniji:

This is a fascinating book about an extraordinary journey towards an Integral Green Slovenia, a vision of a sustainable society and economy. It argues that values and a moral economic core are the foundations of long-term sustainable economy and business, comprising all actors and all sectors.

It shows that local communities, and green and social businesses, inspired by their cultural heritage and looking beyond national boundaries and short-term interests, will contribute to a renewed global partnership that will help us in caring for our world, for our common home.

The book should be of particular interest for all those looking for new, complementary, and alternative pathways of development. I hope each reader will learn something from this book, as I did. This is a very timely book coming as it does when our entire world faces so many changes.

Dr. Hoesung Lee, Chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

Concepts of Sustainable development have been very prominently placed in scientific discourse as well as in development policies for several decades already. The ways these concepts are translated to concrete regional policies and decision makings are different from case to case. This book presents the Slovenian way of conceptualizing and applying these concepts in several local and regional cases. The real value of the book is that in addition to innovative concepts of sustainable development it presents what do these concepts actually mean for concrete businesses and citizens in a number of specific case studies. Because Circular economy and sustainability are on the top of the political agenda of the European Commission, we very much welcome the book Integral Green Slovenia and have no doubt that it is very useful reading for scholars and policy makers.

Dr. Zoran Stančič, Head of European Commission representation in Slovenia

Produkcija: Peternet