

Kidričeva cesta 1, 1270 Litija, Slovenia

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Izvedeni projekti
Arrangement of the Surroundings of the Sitarjevec Mine for Further Development

Developer: Society for development and protection of the Sitarjevec hill

About the project: 
The society for development and protection of the Sitarjevec hill initiates sanation and further development of the Sitarjevec mine for educational purposes. This lead and zinc mine ...

Connecting into Local Self-Sufficiency Network in "The Heart of Slovenia"

Developer: Jarina, Rural Development Cooperative z. o. o.

About the project: 
In 2009, Jarina via LAG "The Heart of Slovenia" implemented the project which supports promotion of local self-sufficiency in which it checked the offer and needs of the area of the Heart ...

Waste on Waste - For the Cleaner Sava River

Developer: Club of Students from Litija and Šmartno

About the project:
The project Waste on waste connects the young people from the area of the Heart of Slovenia who joined up for the purpose of mutual networking, acquisition of experiences in the field of project management and ...

Promenade through the past of the village at The water learning path

Holder: Culture and Art Society of Fran Masel Podlimbarski

About the project: In KUD Fran Maselj Podlimbarski, a project was entitled "A Stroll through the Past along the water learning path" was prepared in order to enhance the offer of the village Krašnja for visitors and ...

Integral plan of Bogenšperk Castle renovation

Holder: Bogenšperk Public Institute

Project contents: Janez Vajkard Valvasor did not have a suitable presentation in Slovenia, therefore the Bogenšperk Public Institution decided to improve the castle by adding it programme which would contribute to a better recognition of the castle ...

Equipment for the Local Library Motnik

Holder: Kamnik Central Library

Project contents: The Kamnik Central Library  with its activity covers a broader area of the Kamnik Municipality, one of them is Motnik, which had been supplied only by means of travelling library. The village is very far from towns, that is why ...

Promotion and Permanent Opening of St. Nicholas Point

Holder: Tourism Society of the hill Gora sv. Miklavž

Project contents: The hill Gora sv. Miklavž is one of the popular excursion points in the Tuhinjska dolina valley. St Nicholas Church with walls which were built against the raids of the Turks and the old sacristan place with black ...

Špinerbal - Dance of Spinners of Litija (Revival of Ethnological Heritage in Litija)

Holder: Culture and Art Society Folklore Group of Javorje

Project contents: Špinerbal, which was renamed into the spinners' dance after 1945, was one of the esteemed events in the town Litija. It dates back to the 1930s, continuing the first-rate tradition for twenty years after World ...

Tastes of the Slovenian Countryside

Developer: Kamn'k Tourism Society

Projec contentst: 
The Kamn'k Tourism Society carried out the project entitled "The Tastes of the Slovenian Countryside" in the 350 -year-old Budnar museum house in Zgornje Palovče above Kamnik, which has been managed by the ...

Launching the use of foodstuffs produced in the area of "The Heart of Slovenia" in the Snovik Eco Spa

Holder: Terme Snovik – Kamnik, d. o. o.

Project contents:
The company Terme Snovik is ecollogically oriented, preparing food in a healthy and mostly ecological way. Through the selected project from LAG "The Heart of Slovenia", a network of suppliers of foodstuffs ...

Improving the existing tourism offer in Kamniška Bistrica with brandy making place

Holder: Zavod Mladinski inkubator

Project contents: Zavod Mladinski inkubator (Youth Incubator Institution) developed the offer in Kamniška Bistrica. In a deserted part of the bar in a campsite by the river, a room for brandy making  was arranged, which offers the guests quality ...

A song connects us

Holder: Society of the missionary dr. Janez Janež

Project contents: 
The Society of the missionary dr. Janez Janež proved that a song can connect people in "The Heart of Slovenia" with the project "Song Connects Us". In December 2010 they carried out a ...

Expanding the offer of the cycling point Vidic

Developer: Cycling service France Vidic s. p.

About the project:
Cycling is becoming more popular than ever, especially on such an agitated terrain as it is the area of »The Heart of Slovenia«. Complying with the wishes of their customers, The Cycling service of Franc ...

Heart pulse of Šentvid

Developer: Skrinjca - society for preserving and reviving culture heritage

About the project:
Skrinjca – society for preserving and reviving culture heritage, acts in Šentvid within the frame of Rus home. Executing regular monthly events it considerably contributes to ...

Construction of the children's playground in Češnjice

Developer: Sport and culture society Čelešnk

About the project: 
In the year 2006 the Sport and culture society Čelešnk in Češnjice above Blagovica (Lukovica) tackled the project of construction the sport park which would contain football ground, volley ball ground and a hut ...

Offer completion of Sport recreation centre Korant

Developer: Turistično društvo (Tourist society) Dol pri Ljubljani

About the project: 
Sport recreation centre Korant managed by Tourist society Dol pri Ljubljani is located in the green environment of forests above Dol pri Ljubljani. Its grounds and sport facilities initiate ...

The pulse of "The Heart of Slovenia"

Developer: Centre for Development Litija, d. o. o.

About the project:
Centre for Development Litija carries out a variety of common promotion activities for the development of the brand »The Heart of Slovenia« for bigger recognition and feeling of commitment to the ...

LAG The Youth - For the Prevention of Illicit Drugs

Developer: Society of the youth friends Litija

About the project:
The use of illicit drugs is one of the major problems of the contemporary society which we also face in »The Heart of
Slovenia«. The members of the Society of the youth friends have, via the ...

Tradition of folk singing

Developer: KUD Folklore group Javorje – Tamboura orchestra

About the project:
Various societies surely contribute a lot to preserve the culture heritage in »The Heart of Slovenia«. The Folklore group Javorje having almost a 30-year tradition, pays attention in ...

Preparation of documentation for education of local guides on larger area of GEOSS and spreading awearness about preserving culture heritage of the area GESS and "The Heart of Slovenia"

Developer: Institution for development of awareness »Family theatre Kolenc«development of Vače and geometric centre of Slovenia (GEOSS)

About the project: 
Family theatre Kolenc has been actively involved in the tourist spreading awareness about significance of ...


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Produkcija: Peternet